Monday, September 30, 2019

Analysis of American History X Essay

In this assignment, I was challenged to find important historical and cultural connections of the film American History X and analyze the important rhetorical of my findings. I went about choosing American History X by placing a poll on Facebook listing out the films that I had any slight interest in considering for this assignment and American History X won by a landslide. I was actually somewhat disappointed, because I wanted to do The X-Files, but I chose to stick to my promise and go with whatever text won. I watched American History X some years after its release in 1998. Although, I know I must have watched it sometime after I got out of high school because at the time of its release I was 12 years old and with the amount of violence in that film I know I did not watch it with my parents. From the little memory I had of the film from the first time, I could only recall that American History X had a lot to do with white supremacy and racism, that Edward Norton played the lead ro le and that the kid who played in the first Terminator was his brother and was all grown up. I hesitated watching the film again for quite sometime because I knew I would need to dedicate a solid two hours of mental energy towards it. One could argue that I was merely just procrastinating; however, I benefitted from having done so because future class discussions provided a foundation for how I could study the film. After reading about and discussing in class the topic of approaching a text organically, I decided to implement that mentality and view the film as objectively as non-object individual can. It is difficult to say whether it was that approach that ultimately led to my findings in the film, or if I would have discovered them anyway since it was my second time viewing the film. Everyone can appreciate that after the second and third time of watching any film you begin to pick up on things you missed the first time. In either case, I found the movie to be incredibly eye opening and I enjoyed having to research the history surrounding the film and, ultimately, the state of the nation during what was my childhood. American History X is a film that depicts a traditional white family in the mid 1990s, but spot lights the two brothers’ journeys into maturity. The movie focuses on the older brother Derek, played by Edward Norton, and how Derek’s Neo-Nazi associations in his life greatly influence his younger brother Danny, played by Edward Furlong. Fueled by rage of his father’s death, the film opens with a scene of Derek brutally killing three young black men who were attempting to steal his father’s truck. Derek is then sent to prison for 3 years during which time his younger brother Danny begins to follow in Derek’s footsteps with the Neo-Nazi organization. The movie flips between black-and-white scenes of the past and color scenes of the present. The black-and-white flashbacks attempt to illuminate Danny’s perception of Derek’s past life while intermittently presenting how Derek overcame is his own hatred. The color scenes portray the present and highlight the effects the hatred has had on the entire family. Overall, the movie critiques on not only the effects of urban racism and bigotry, but a lso the how minds of young people are so impressionable. The film even succeeds in creating a sense of sympathy for characters that are typically hated, Neo-Nazi racist skinheads, and paints them not as foolish, uneducated racist bigots, but instead as misguided intelligent human beings. On the surface the film discusses racism, violence, and bigotry, but upon closer examination I found a deeper message within the film. Watching it a second time, I realized that this film is really emphasizing the lack of critical thinking skills in young people, particularly in teenagers and young adults and how impressionable their minds are. Then, upon further research related to those very topics it touches on in the film, I discovered that the entire movie itself actually harbors an obscure form of racism that was reflected in many movies throughout the 1990s. Needless to say, even in today’s society we deal with these same issues of racism and intolerance for other people’s beliefs. However, within the most recent years it has evolved to focus more on the gay, lesbian and transgender community. History certainly can be seen as repeating itself as many of the arguments that gays and lesbians make regarding their civil rights and discrimination almost mirror the same arguments made back in the 1960s during the civil right movement. Reverend Dr. Phil Snider made this connection so blatantly clear in his speech that went viral on YouTube that he gave before the Springfield City Council of Missouri just a few weeks ago. In his speech, Dr. Snider cleverly took quotes directly from speeches given by white preachers in favor of racial segregation in the 1950 and 1960s and merely substituted select words and inserted ‘gays and lesbians’ (â€Å"Preacher Phil Snider Gives Interesting Gay Rights Speech†). I think the twist of his speech highlights the main issues regarding any form of racism and discrimination and they most certainly could be applied to the issues of racism that America faced in the 1990s. The 1990s was saturated with debates over, court cases involving and numerous media outlets centering on the issues of racism and affirmative action. In May of 1992, Newsweek printed an article entitled â€Å"The Crossroads of Shattered Dreams† that summarized the conflicts of racism in the early 90s stating, â€Å"white[s] charge that affirmative action is unfair†¦blacks respond that it was unfair for them to be starved of opportunities by 300 years of slavery and discrimination.† That same year, the verdict of Rodney King’s case outraged the black community and sparked riots lasting six days with over 2,000 people injured and 55 people killed (â€Å"Riots Erupt in Los Angeles†). In March of 1996, the three white law school candidates charged that they were unfairly discriminated against and rejected for entrance into the school for less qualified minorities in the famous case Hopwood v. Texas Law School (â€Å"Hopwood v. University Texas Law School †). Just prior to the release of American History X in 1998, California enacted Proposition 209, which amended the state’s constitution to ban preferential treatment of any persons based on race or gender in public sector education, employment, and contracting (Parker). All of these enormously impactful events and numerous others shaped much of the discrimination that occurred in the 1990s. In fact, sociological research confirms â€Å"discrimination is more often the result of organizational practices that have unintentional effects† or predispositions â€Å"linked to social stereotypes and does not so much stem from individual prejudices† (Tomaskovic-Devey). Nevertheless, the culmination of these types of incidents led to a demand for Hollywood to â€Å"headline positive characters of color† (Hughey 549). Producers and directors felt pressure to make-up for their own history of racist filmmaking and, consequently, this also gave rise to the development of a veiled type of racism within films referred to by Hughey himself as the â€Å"cinethetic racism†(550). Cinethetic racism in the 1990s was typically found in films that have a black character whose purpose in the film is to support the white protagonist. Typically this black character, coined the â€Å"magical Negro† by Hughey, was portrayed as the voice of reason, or having some other type wisdom, within the film and who selflessly helps the white character achieve his goals. â€Å"These films rest on friendly, helpful, bend-over-backwards black characters that do not seek to change their own impoverished status, but instead exhibit a primordial, hard-wired desire to use their magical power to correct the wrongs in a white world† (Hughey 556). The concept expressed in this quote is clearly evident in the film American History X during the many scenes of Derek in prison working in the laundry room with Lamont, a friendly black prisoner who attempts to befriend him. Eventually Derek is able let down his guard and the future interactions between them usually consist of Lamo nt humorously explaining how things work within the prison. There is one scene, however, that does somewhat contradict this concept of a â€Å"magical Negro† and, instead, causes Derek to experience a form of guilt. This contradiction is depicted in the scene of Lamont and Derek working in the laundry room and Derek very genuinely asks Lamont why he is in prison. Lamont explains how he was sentenced for assault on a police officer because he accidently dropped a TV on the officer’s foot that he was trying to steal. Derek initially resists and jokingly asks Lamont to tell the truth, but Lamont insists that he did not assault the police officer and only dropped the TV on the officer’s foot. This is the pivotal moment within the movie that shows Derek’s guilt and sympathy for the first time towards a black person. I think this is the most important scene throughout the entire film because it gives the audience exactly what they want: they want to see Derek experience this epiphany and for him to recognize how he has perpetuated discrimination against black people. But it does not take very long for the film to revert right back into the traditional cinethetic racist ways. In Derek’s last interaction with Lamont, the audience learns that during Derek’s stay within prison Lamont was protecting him from further beatings and rape after Derek chose to no longer affiliate with the Neo-Nazis within the prison. That scene ultimately preserves the concept of the â€Å"magical Negro† and that black people have this underlying desire to serve to the needs of white people. I liken this idea of cinethetic racism to what actors refer to the subtext of a script. Normally, the subtext refers to the underlying motives of a particular character, but this concept of cinethetic racism is like the â€Å"subtext† of an entire film. â€Å"Of greatest critical concern is how [magical Negro] films advantageously shore up white supremacist and normative orders while ostensibly posturing as an irreverent challenge to them† (Hughey 553). On the surface it appears to be a film that tries to defeat racism, but ironically there are hidden agendas that completely go against the moral of this story. Just as magical Negros are a disguised form of racism found in American films in the 1990s, there were also disguised forms of racism going on politically throughout the nation, more specifically in California. During the 1990s, racism and civil rights disputes were approaching the heights they reached in the civil rights era of the 1960s. However, after many decades of affirmative action policies attempting to right the wrongs minorities faced and with California experiencing an economic downturn, many whites became less tolerant of minorities receiving preferential treatment through affirmative action programs (Alvarez). Now the whites are claiming they were discriminated against in a form of â€Å"reverse discrimination.† What I find so interesting about the idea of â€Å"reverse discrimination† is that it implies that discrimination only naturally goes in one direction: whites against minorities. And, furthermore, that there will always be a certain level of racism, as if to suggest that there is a threshold for which it is acceptable, but also that it is the responsibility of the majority, white people, to keep it in check. Yet the moment any form of racism or discrimination is felt against whites, it is completely intolerable and demands political action. It was the supporters of Proposition 209 that argued that current affirmative action programs led public employers and universities to reject applicants because of their race, and that Proposition 209 would â€Å"return [us] to the fundamentals of our democracy,† as summarized in an article capturing the main arguments of Proposition 209 entitled â€Å"Prohibition Against Discrimination.† With in the same article it preached, â€Å"let us not perpetuate the myth that ‘minorities’ and women cannot compete without special preferences†¦vote for fairness not favoritism.† The fairness of Proposition 209 has been hotly debatably ever since it was enacted in 1997, but I think the dinner scene with Derek and his father in American History X most succinctly sums up the mindset of the many supporters of Proposition 209. The scene opens with a dinner table conversation between Derek and his father about the material he is learning for his English class. His father than expresses his distaste for such material with the following monologue: â€Å"All this stuff about making everything equal†¦ it’s not as easy as it looks†¦you gotta trade in great books for black books now? You gotta question these things Derek. We are not just talking about books here, we’re talking about my job. I got two blacks guys on my squad now that got their jobs over a couple of white guys who actually scored higher on the test. Does that make sense? They got their job because they were black not because they were the best? America’s about if you do your best you get the job†¦not this affirmative blacktion crap†¦.it’s nigger bullshit.† This dinner scene perfectly exemplifies the concept that 1) the moment whites feel they are being discriminated they instantly raise the red flag and 2) that â€Å"discrimination is more often the result of organizational practices that have unintentional effects [†¦] and does not so much stem from individual prejudices,† as I stated earlier. Another aspect that I find so interesting about American History X was how writer David McKenna was able to pull directly from real life situations to add dialogue into this screenplay. McKenna and Edward Norton actually rewrote a portion of the script quoting from Governor Pete Wilson’s speech advocating Proposition 209 in 1995 (Goldstein). More importantly, it was used in a scene where Derek is trying to energize a group of young skin heads before they vandalize a grocery store owned by minorities. I find it so ironic that the character of a racist Neo-Nazi was reciting actual words from a speech promoting the removal of affirmative actions polices that were, allegedly, intended to reduce discrimination and increase equality. When I discovered this tidbit of information I was completely blown away. I had no idea how closely this movie reflected real problems going on in society in the 1990s. McKenna’s use of Pete Wilson’s speech is clearly an example of art ref lecting reality, but Pete Wilson’s speech was not the only source from reality in which McKenna got his inspiration. McKenna grew up in Southern California, where the film story takes place, and personally witnessed bigotry and racism (Bruce). From his encounters and extensive research, McKenna decided that the point he tried â€Å"to make in the script is that a person is not born a racist†¦[McKenna] wanted an accurate portrayal of how good kids from good families can get so terribly lost† (Bruce). Personally, I think McKenna succeeded in having that be the main message of the film: the impressionability of a young mind and that all behaviors are learned. The film simultaneously follows Derek’s upbringing and how he becomes involved in the Neo-Nazi organization and how his involvement with that group greatly influenced his younger brother Danny. The dinner scene I detailed above is the key scene from McKenna’s screenplay that supports the idea that racism is a learned behavior stemmed from outside organizational practices. However, despite how well received the movie was and the numerous nominations Edward Norton received for his performance, that is not the original message the director intended. Tony Kaye was the director of American History X and, ironically, he also turned out to be a major competing persuasive force throughout the entire film making process. Kaye battled with directors, producers, writer David McKenna and Edward Norton himself claiming that New Line Cinema never allowed him to create his vision of the film going as far as to take out full page ads in trade magazines bashing the film and even requested to have his name removed from the film entirely and replaced with the pseudonym â€Å"Humpy Dumpty† (Goldstein). In a statement made shortly after the film’s release, Kaye contended that Edward Norton edited a majority of the film in order to increase his screen time in the film and that the producers did not allow Kaye an â€Å"opportunity to present a black voice to provide depth and balance to the film† and furthered that he wanted the film to be an â€Å"homage to free speech and responsibility† (Leinberger). I think the main reason why Kaye’s original vision never made it to the film was because it clashed so much with McKenna’s original message. McKenna wrote the film based off of his personal experience witnessing acts of racisms in Southern California in throughout the late 1980s and early 1990s. Whereas, Kaye is not only much older than McKenna, but grew up in United Kingdom and had only been living in the United states for a few years before he got involved in the film at all, and, therefore, did not quite have the same outlook for the script (Topel). It should also be noted that this was Kaye’s first feature film and his previous directing experience came from extensive work with TV commercials and music videos (Goldstein). And while McKenna himself may not have been directly involved during the filming process, as most writers are not, I think Edward Norton and the producers all believed in and followed McKenna’s vision because of how much it related to the struggles that America was facing at that time. This is not to suggest that Kaye’s vision for the film was wrong, but that producers have to consider what the audience wants and expects to see. From studying American History X, I have learned how racism evolved in a very peculiar fashion. As racism, specifically towards black people, became less and less accepted by whites over the last 150 years, certain segments of society seemed to find ways to continue a small, but undeniable level of racism since it was no longer socially acceptable among the general population to outwardly express it with for instance, lynching. Racism and discrimination has certainly come a long way over the last sixty years, but it has definitely not been eradicated. In fact, some would argue that now whites are beginning to experience a type of â€Å"reverse discrimination† due unforeseen effects from affirmative action programs. In regards to American films however, one would have to sit down personally with directors and producers of 1990s films to determine if they intentionally created these magical Negro characters in order to perpetuate racism. Aside from the fact that it is highly unlikely that anyone would ever openly admit to that, I personally think that cinethetic racism and the magical Negro were just an unintended consequence of a fad that was going on throughout Hollywood at the time, the fad being to have black people portray certain qualities of wisdom and â€Å"magical powers† within films. In either case, it is very curious that a movie such as America History X meets the qualifications for cinethetic racism. In my opinion, for a film that was intended to enlighten the audience of the problem of racism in America, yet ultimately perpetuated a veiled version of it, could no more flawlessly fit into this concept of cinethetic racism. Also, the argument of whether or not reality reflects art or if art reflects reality is just as frustrating to argue as whether the chicken or the egg came first. But in the case for this film, I would contend that American History X, art, is reflecting reality. In fact, the notion behind cinethetic racism and the magical Negro tie in so neatly with the arguments for Proposition 209 and Gov. Pete Wilson’s speech that it is just uncanny. With a closer look into both, one can see that each share their own masked form of racism veiled as though whites are helping minorities. Art was imitating the subversive racism that was occurring in r eality. As an actor myself, I think it is unfortunate for director Tony Kaye that, for whatever reason, he was not able to get his original vision of the film produced. I think because of the numerous racially historical events that were occurring the 1990s that producing a movie which centered on the freedom of speech around racism as Kaye originally intended, was the last thing any audience wanted to watch in a theatre. All in all, I think film did a fabulous job highlighting historical events and attitudes going on throughout society during the 1990s, despite the fact that the film may be perpetuating racism at a subversive level. Works Cited American History X. Dir. Tony Kaye. Perf. Edward Norton and Edward Furlong. New Line Cinemas, 1998. Film. Alvarez, R. Michael, and Lisa G. Bedolla. â€Å"The Revolution Against Affirmative Action in California: Racism, Economics, and Proposition 209.† State Politics and Policy Quarterly 4.1 (2004): 1-17. Sage Publications, Inc. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. Bruce, David. â€Å"Racism in America=Hating Others.† American History X: A Hollywood Jesus Film Review., n. d. Web. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . Goldstein, Patrick. â€Å"Courting Trouble.† Edward Norton Information Page. N.p., 13 1998. Web. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Hopwood v. University of Texas Law School†. Encyclopedia Britannica. Encyclopedia Britannica Online. Encyclopedia Britannica Inc., 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012 . Hughey, Matthew W. â€Å"White Redemption and Black Stereotypes in â€Å"Magical Negro† Films.† Social Problems 56.3 (2009): 543-77. University of California Press, 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . Leinberger, Gisela. â€Å"Film Director Tony Kaye Makes Statement at Berlin’s Brandenberg Gate; Director of ‘American History X’ Speaks to Film’s Issues.† PR News Wire. N.p., n. d. Web. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . Parker, Beth H. â€Å"The Impact of Proposition 209 on Education, Employment and Contracting.† ERA: Prop 209 Impact. Equal Rights Advocates, n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2012. . Preacher Phil Snider Gives Interesting Gay Rights Speech. Perf. Rev. Dr. Phil Snider. YouTube, 13 Aug. 2012. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Prohibition Against Discrimination or Preferential Treatment by State and Other Public Entities. Initiative Constitutional Amendment..† California’s 1996 General Election Web Site! . N.p., n. d. Web. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . â€Å"Riots erupt in Los Angeles.† 2012. The History Channel website. Oct 21 2012 . Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald, and Patricia Warren. â€Å"Explaining and Eliminating Racial Profiling.† Contexts. American Sociological Association, 2009. Web. 21 Oct. 2012. . Topel, Fred. â€Å"Interview with Lake of Fire Filmmaker Tony Kaye.† Oct 21 2012. Whitaker, Mark. â€Å"A Crisis Of Shattered Dreams.† Newsweek. 5 1991: 1. Web. 19 Oct. 2012..

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Synthesis And Characterization Of Strontium Ferrite Environmental Sciences Essay

Strontium ferrite is a ferromagnetic stuff and reported as holding hexangular magnetoplumbite type ( M-type ) construction. It is the most widely used lasting magnets throughout the universe, which account for approximately 90wt % of the one-year production of lasting magnets. In this survey, the Sr ferrite is synthesized utilizing sol-gel methods and the magnetic belongingss were analyzed. Chapter 1 gave debut about the construction of M-type hexangular Sr ferrite. Besides, some general magnetic belongingss will be discussed. Commercial applications of Sr ferrite would be discussed every bit good. Chapter 2 is all about the experimental inside informations, including the man-made techniques used for Sr ferrite, description of instrument used and processs carried out. Chapter 3 concentrated on the consequences on magnetic susceptibleness of hexangular Sr ferrite. Comparison between Sr ferrite and cation-substituted Sr ferrite was made. Chapter 4 concluded the whole probe of this survey. Suggestions for future surveies were besides discussed. Better apprehension of the belongingss and practical applications of Sr ferrite can be achieved through this survey.AbstractionThe belongingss of magnetoplumbite type ( M-type ) hexangular Sr ferrite has been investigated. The effort of permutation of Co ( II ) oxide and Ti ( IV ) oxide in order to bring forth a quaternate system of the type SrO-Fe2O3-XO where Ten represents the dopant cation was made. The synthesis is based on sol-gel method where ethene ethanediol is the gel precursor. This technique was employed because it was found to be able to bring forth nanoparticles of cation substituted Sr ferrite. Furthermore, sol-gel method can bring forth high outputs of Sr ferrite atoms. Overall, the magnetic belongingss were observed to be alteration after the cation permutation. Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) permutation in SrFe12O19 with different ratios were made in this survey to look into the consequence of cation permutation in magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite. Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) permutation in Sr ferrite with mole ratio of 0.4 showed the best magnetic belongingss that we desired for. The mass susceptibleness where X = 0.4 was found to be increase aggressively compared to the unsubstituted 1. Except the Co Ti permutation with mole ratio of 0.4, other cation permutation ratios showed lessening in mass susceptibleness which is non desirable. Therefore the cobalt-titanium permutation for SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 with X = 0.4 is the best to better magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite for assorted commercial applications. Reappraisal Strontium ferrite has been a topic of uninterrupted involvement and intensive survey for several decennaries due to the fact that this compound has been the the most widely used lasting magnets, which account for approximately 90wt % of the one-year production of lasting magnets since shortly after its find in the fiftiess. Strontium hexaferrite, SrFe12O19, is a ferrimagnet and is besides known as ceramic lasting magnet. When compared with alnico-magnets, Sr ferrite has high coercivity, moderate remenance, corrosion opposition and first-class chemical stableness [ 5 ] . Iron ( III ) oxide ( Fe2O3 ) is the chief constituents in SrFe12O19 which gives rise to its magnetic belongingss. Within the five different crystallographic sites of Sr ferrite, the Fe ions are coupled antiferromagnetically. Due to its high magnetocrystalline anisotropy field in its construction, SrFe12O19 exhibits high impregnation magnetisation and high coercivity [ 1 ] . The high magnetic permeableness in Sr ferrit e enables it to hive away strong magnetic Fieldss, which is stronger than Fe. Strontium ferrite is frequently produced as nanoscale size pulverization, which can be sintered into solid nucleuss. Strontium ferrite has been used for several of import industrial applications, such as lasting magnets, microwave devices and high denseness perpendicular entering media, with proper doping in order to better belongingss of Sr ferrite [ 1 ] . SrFe12O19 has besides been investigated as a medium for magnetic recording and magneto-optical recording and for long ( millimeter ) -wave devices [ 2 ] . Attempts have made to the development of fresh man-made methods which facilitate the production of all right hexangular ferrite atoms and to possible ways of cut downing their high intrinsic magnetocrystalline anisotropy. The aim in this survey was to try the synthesis of cation substituted M-type hexangular ferrite SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 utilizing the sol-gel method. The sol-gel method has been used widely to bring forth all right atoms of a assortment of oxides. The consequence of doping Sr ferrite with Co ( II ) and Ti ( IV ) oxides to bring forth quaternate systems of SrO-Fe2O3-XO, where Ten represents the dopant cation would be tested. The all right atoms of cation substituted ferrite produced by utilizing sol-gel technique is desirable because the grain size of the stuffs used in magnetic recording is the chief factor finding the degree of background noise at low denseness. Magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite would be focus in this survey. Magnetic susceptibleness balance would be used to find the mass susceptibleness for both strontium ferrite and cation-substituted Sr ferrite produced utilizing the sol-gel method. The mass susceptiblenesss of the samples were compared to find the optimal sum of cation needed to dope to ferrite to give the best magnetic behavior.CRYSTAL STRUCTURE OF M-TYPE HEXAGONAL SrFe12O19Harmonizing to crystalline construction, hexaferrite can be classified into four types, these include M, W, Y and Z types hexaferrites which correspond to ( SrO + MeO ) : Fe2O3 ratios of 1:6, 3:8, 4:6 and 5:12 severally. SrFe12O19 is classified as M-type hexaferrite. The hexangular SrFe12O19 was foremost prepared by AdelskA?old in 1938 [ 2 ] . He besides confirmed that the crystal construction of this compound to be iso-structural with the of course happening ferrite mineral magnetoplumbite, and hence it has the M-type construction. Subsequently structural polishs for Sr hexaferrite have confirmed his finding [ 2 ] . Strontium ferrite is classified as hexangular ferrite. It is denoted as holding the infinite group P63/mmc. Harmonizing to the research made by Kimura et Al, the lattice parametric quantities measured are found to be: a = 0.588 36nm and c = 2.303 76nm at room temperature [ 2 ] . As shown for M-type hexaferrite BaFe12O19 in Fig. 1.1, the crystalline constructions of different types of hexaferrites are unusually complex. The unit cell contains 10 O beds. A unit cell is consecutive constructed for four blocks, they are S ( spinel ) , R ( hexangular ) , S* and R* . The S and R blocks have tantamount atomic agreements and are rotated around the c-axis at 180A ° with regard to S* and R* blocks. Roentgen or R* block consists of three O2a?’A beds while S or S* block contains two O2a?’A beds ; with one O site in the in-between bed substituted by a Ba2+A ion [ 16 ] . The construction of Sr ferrite is similar to that of Ba ferrite, by merely replacing the Ba ion with strontium ion. Fig.A 1.1: A Structure of Ba hexaferrite Occasionally, a unit cell is comprises of two formula units. The unit cell consists of 64 ions per hexangular unit cell, which are 2 strontium ions, 38 O ions and 24 ferrous ions. The construction of magnetoplumbite are made of a bed of hexangular close jammed agreement of O and Sr ions, which is sandwiched between two spinal blocks incorporating a three-dimensional close-packed agreement of O atoms with Fe atoms. The Fe atoms are positioned at five interstitial crystallographically different cation sites of the close-packed beds, viz. 4f1 ( tetrahedral site, A sites ) , 12k, 4f2, 2a ( octahedral sites, B sites ) and 2b ( rhombohedral bipyramidal site ) [ 15 ] . The tetrahedral Fe oxide is FeO4, octahedral Fe oxide consists of six O ions, which is FeO6, and the expression for rhombohedral bipyramidal Fe oxide is FeO5. A conventional M-type structural representation and the five Fe3+ sites are shown in Fig. 1.2 by Collomb et Al. [ 15 ] . Figure 1.2: The crystal construction study map of the hexangular M-type stage and the five Fe sites with their milieus are displayed. The 2b sites merely occur in the same bed with strontium ion. 12k site is the octahedral site of S and R blocks. There are two tetrahedral ( 4f1 ) sites and one octahedral ( 2a ) site in Centre of S block. The two octahedral ( 4f2 ) sites are found in the R block, adjacent to the strontium-containing bed. The M-type construction of strontium ferrite gives rise to its magnetic belongingss. Cation permutation to strontium ferrite may give opportunities whereby changing the construction and therefore act upon the magnetic belongingss.MAGNETIC PROPERTIES OF M-TYPE HEXAGONAL SrFe12O19Strontium hexaferrite is a ferrimagnetic stuff. Since the free negatrons in SrFe12O19 are in close propinquity and remain aligned even the external magnetic field have been removed, it is able to retain a lasting magnetic field and is recognized as ferrimagnetic stuff. In 1950s Gorter predicted that the Fe ions at the rhombohedral bipyramidal ( 2b ) and octahedral ( 2a, 12k ) sites have their spin orientation antiparallel to that of the Fe ions at the 4f sites [ 2 ] . The antiparallel 4f1 and 4f2 and parallel 2a, 12k and 2b sublattices form the ferrimagnetic construction. The magnetic ordination corresponding to the magnetoplumbite construction of hexangular Sr ferrite is good illustrated in Fig. 1.3. In S block, the bulk I ±-sublattice consists of four octahedral ions and the minority I?-sublattice contains two tetrahedral ions whereas R block contributes three octahedral ions and one rhombohedral ion to the bulk sublattice and two octahedral ions to the minority sublattice. Figure 1.3: The conventional construction ( left ) of the SrFe12O19 with Gorter ‘s magnetic ordination ( in-between ) along the c-axis. The big unfastened circles are oxygen ions, the big broken circles are Sr ions ; little circles with a cross inside represent Fe ions at 12k, little circles incorporating a filled circle inside represent Fe ions at 4f2, little unfilled circles represent Fe ions at 4f1, filled little circles represent Fe ions at 2a and little circles with a unfilled circle inside represent Fe ions at 2b. The magnetic construction suggested by Gorter is shown on the right, where the pointers represent the way of spin polarisation. From Fig. 1.3, we can sum up the sites of Fe ( III ) ions matching to the spin way, as in Table 1.1. Site Coordination Occupancy Direction of spin polarisation 12k Octahedral 12 Up 2a Octahedral 2 Up 2b Trigonal Bypiramidal 2 Up 4f1 Tetrahedral 4 Down 4f2 Octahedral 4 Down Table 1.1: Fe ( III ) ion sites in M-type hexangular ferriteHysteresis LoopThe magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite can be examined through hysteresis cringles. Hysteresis cringle can be measured utilizing instruments such as Vibrating Sample Magnetometer ( VSM ) and SQUID Magnetometry Measurements. When a magnetic stuff is placed in a magnetic field, the flux denseness ( B ) would dawdle behind the magnetising force ( H ) that causes it, and this signifier hysteresis cringle. From a hysteresis cringle, we can place the magnetic belongingss of the stuff, they are saturation magnetisation, remanence or besides known as remnant magnetisation, and coercivity. A typical hysteresis cringle is good illustrated in Fig. 1.4. Figure 1.4: Typical hysteresis cringle ( B-H curve ) Initially, there is no applied magnetic field and it is known as unmagnetized province. After magnetic field is applied, it causes alignment. Until maximal magnetising force applied, maximal flux denseness achieved at the same clip and this phenomenon is known as impregnation magnetisation. At this point, the maximal figure of spin has mobilized. Saturation magnetisation is defined as the maximal possible magnetization of a stuff. It is besides a step of strongest magnetic field a magnet can bring forth. The unit of impregnation magnetisation is in amperes per metre. Strontium ferrite is holding high impregnation magnetisation at which it can hive away high sum of magnetising force. As the magnetizing force being easy removed, the alliance stays at the point where H = 0, this is known as remnant magnetisation. Remnant magnetisation is the magnetisation left in a lasting magnet after an external magnetic field is removed. When a magnet is â€Å" magnetic † , it has remanence. I t is normally measured in unit Tesla. Strong lasting magnet such as Sr ferrite has high leftover magnetisation which means the high sum of magnetic force remains in it even after the magnetizing force is removed. As signifier Fig. 1.4, negative magnetic field is applied to demagnetise the lasting magnet. When the flux denseness ( B ) = 0, there is no magnetising force remain in the magnet and the negative H needed to demagnetise the magnet is known as coercivity. Negative H is the magnetic field applied in opposite way. Coercivity is measured in unit amperes per metre. Due to its high uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy with an easy axis of magnetisation along the hexangular c-axis in the construction, SrFe12O19 has high coercivity. Anisotropy is directional or orientational effects in crystal construction of stuffs which can supply better magnetic public presentation along certain preferable axis. Therefore, we need to use high negative magnetising force to demagnetise Sr ferrite. Attempts have to be made to take down down the coercivity of Sr ferrite for use. Unit of measurements in Magnetism The units used in magnetic attraction can be divided chiefly into two classs, SI system and c.g.s system. The transition table shown in Table 1.2 is to clear up the magnetic attraction expression in both SI and c.g.s systems and the transition factors between them. Measure Symbol SI Unit SI Equation c.g.s Unit c.g.s Equation Conversion Factor Magnetic Initiation Bacillus tesla ( T ) B=A µo ( H+M ) gauss ( G ) B = H+4IˆM 1 T = 104A G Magnetic Field Strength Hydrogen ampere/meterA ( A/m ) H = NA-I/lcA ( lc – magneticA way, m ) oersted ( Oe ) H = 0.4IˆNA-I/lc ( lc – magneticA way, centimeter ) 1 A/m =A 4 IˆA-10-3A Oe Magnetic Flux I ¦ Wb ( Wb ) I ¦ = BA-Ac ( Ac – country, m2A ) Mx ( M ) I ¦ = BA-Ac ( Ac – country, cm2A ) 1 Wb = 108A M Magnetization Meter ampere/meter ( A/m ) M=m/V ( m- sum magnetic minute, A V- volume, m3A ) emu/cm3 M=m/V ( m- sum magnetic minute, A V- volume, cm3A ) 1 A/m = 10-3A electromagnetic unit / cm3 Magnetic Permeability of Vaccum A µo newton/ampere2 A µo= 4IˆA-10-7 1–4IˆA-10-7 Induction Liter H L=I?oI?N2Ac/lc ( Ac- country, M2, A lc – magnetic way, m ) H L=0.4IˆI?N2Ac/lcA-10-8 ( Ac-area, cm2, A lc – magnetic way, centimeter ) 1 Emf ( electromotive force ) Volt V V=-NA-dI ¦/dt V V=-10-8NA-dI ¦/dt 1 Note: In the above equations, I = current ( in As ) , N = bends Table 1.2: Magnetism expressions in SI and c.g.s systems and their transition factors for the magnetic units.1.4 PHOTOLUMINESCENCE PROPERTIES OF SrFe12O19Harmonizing to the survey of G. B. Teh [ 3 ] on Sr ferrite, Sr ferrite was found to exhibit photoluminescence behaviour. When a sample of Sr ferrite is excited at a certain wavelength, highest strength of photoluminescence emanation extremums was obtained. The ability of Sr ferrite to photoluminesce could be due to the O vacancies in their lattice construction. The O vacancies are assumed to do the atoms to exhibit photoluminescence behaviour by moving as traps for nomadic excitement. The O vacancies have effectual +2 charges, doing them powerful electron gaining control centres. Valence negatron would derive sufficient energy to leap from the valency set to the conductivity set and go forthing a spread known as hole during excitement. F-centers, which is the part where contain high sum of negatrons would organize when the aro used negatrons being trapped in O vacancies. These rich negatron centres would take to emanation of luminescence when the holes and negatrons recombine.1.5 SYNTHESIS ROUTE OF SrFe12O19The processing paths used for synthesis of Sr ferrite affect its belongingss much. Traditionally, this ferrite pulverization is synthesized by a assorted oxide ceramic method, which involves the solid-state reaction between SrCO3 and Fe2O3 at a high calcination temperature ( about 1300A °C ) . However, uncontrolled atom morphology, larger atom size and agglomerates would be the biggest disadvantages of this technique. Besides, taint would be introduced to the sample while subsequent milling of the calcined ferrite pulverization and this would impact the magnetic belongingss become less desirable. Therefore, the narrowed atom size distribution, refined atom size and minimum atom agglomeration has been the chief concern during the synthesis of Sr ferrite. In order to better the magnetic belongingss, legion nonconventional soft man-made paths have been carried out, including sol-gel synthesis [ 3 ] , hydrothermal reaction [ 6 ] , co-precipitation [ 7 ] , citric acid method [ 8 ] and microemulsion processing [ 10 ] . In this survey, the synthesis of Sr ferrite employed the sol-gel technique. It is a wet chemical path using ethylene ethanediol as gel precursor. Sol-gel technique is the technique of utilizing chemical substances which have high solubility in organic dissolvers to synthesise precursor compounds. The compounds are easy transformed into hydrated oxides on hydrolysis. The metal alkoxides formed can be removed easy utilizing hydrolysis and thermic intervention and therefore consequences in hydrous oxides which are extremely purify. Sol-gel method is used in this survey because of its many advantages. Sol-gel technique is able to bring forth homogenous nanosized crystallites. This method is tend to give molded stuffs straight from a solution without go throughing through the pulverization processing and the fact that the annealing temperature is really low compared with other conventional engineering. The crystalline size and belongingss of the ferrite produced are mostly affected by calcinations temperature [ 3 ] . Sol gel method has the advantage that the crystal growing of atoms is easier to command by changing the heat intervention [ 11 ] . It was reported that at 500EsC it produced merely maghemite, I?-Fe2O3. A assorted merchandise of magnetic I ±-Fe2O3 and M-type SrFe12O19 were obtained at 600EsC. As the calcination temperature addition to 800EsC and supra, there are merely M-type SrFe12O19 stage was observed. Sol-gel synthesis is able to bring forth high outputs of SrFe12O19 nanoparticles. It is besides able to bring forth nanocrystallite of cation substituted SrFe12O19. Nanoparticle size of Sr ferrite is desirable and aimed to synthesise because nanoparticles tend to give better magnetic belongingss. Nanoparticles give few magnetic spheres, likely individual sphere. Single sphere tends to give higher magnetic initiation because there are no oppose magnetic sphere. Single sphere aligns in one way merely. These belongingss are ideal for the devising of lasting magnet.1.6 CATION SUBSTITUTION IN SrFe12O19In order to better the magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite, many surveies have been carried out. One of them is cation permutation in Sr ferrite. Rare Earth and other metal cations are used for permutation for Sr and Fe severally [ 5 ] . The brace doping of SrFe12O19 such as a La-Co brace to replace a Sr-Fe brace has been tested [ 14 ] . The doping, or known as cation permutation, is aim to better the magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite. Cation permutation consequences in structural al terations in Sr ferrite. As the physical belongingss of ferrite alteration, the magnetic belongingss would be affected due to the fact that magnetic belongingss are determined by the agreement of Fe ions in crystal construction. In this survey, Co-Ti brace will be doped to the Sr ferrite. Cobalt Ti permutation will bring forth a quaternate system of the type SrO-Fe2O3-AO where A represents the dopant cation.The Co Ti permutation gives rise to the new expression, SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 where Ten is the figure of mole of cation substituted in.1.7 Commercial ApplicationsStrontium ferrite is widely used as lasting magnet because it has way of easy magnetisation and the hexangular c-axis which are perpendicular to the plane of the home base. The belongingss that are desirable in utilizing as lasting magnet include high impregnation magnetisation, high leftover magnetisation, high coercivity, high Curie temperature and high magnetocrystalline anisotropy. Besides, SrFe12O19 is besides normally used in high-density informations storage magnetic entering media. Nanoparticles of SrFe12O19 with individual sphere and low coercivity are important in used for magnetic recording media. M-type Sr ferrite nanoparticles have attracted much attending due to their good frequence characteristic, low noise, high end product, in peculiar, first-class high frequence characteristic and broad dynamic frequence scope [ 4 ] . There are two types of entering medium, viz. particulates and thin movies. Tape and floppy is categorized in particulate and difficult thrust is belongs to thin movie. Information is stored by magnetising stuff. The entering caput can use magnetic field ( H ) and align spheres to magnetise the medium. It can besides observe a alteration in the magnetisation of the medium. Magnetic entering media prefers high impregnation magnetisation ; do it to hive away as much information. High value of remnant magnetisation is required in enterin g media to do certain that all stuffs stored in the difficult disc still remained even the power supply ( applied magnetic field ) is switched away. Low coercivity is of import in magnetic recording media. When the positive magnetic field is applied, this charging manages the medium to hive away informations. On the other manus, negative magnetic field applied to recover back the information, this is called discharges. Therefore, less current is needed to recover the information in the low coercivity medium. As a consequence, less heat generated and this saves the electricity. In general, Sr ferrite has high value of uniaxial anisotropy field, high coercive force and high impregnation magnetisation. The high coercivity of Sr ferrite has to be lowered down and impregnation magnetisation has to be at the same time increased if it is to be utile for magnetic recording intents. It has been reported that the permutation of cations such as Co ( II ) for the ion Fe ( III ) in Sr ferrite has lowered the coercive force. Therefore, many surveies were carried out to accomplish better magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite for commercial applications.Chapter 2: EXPERIMENTALSample PreparationSynthesis of M-type SrFe12O19 Synthesis of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19Sample CharacterizationMagnetic Susceptibility Balance MK12.1 Sample Preparation2.1.1 Synthesis of M-type SrFe12O19The sol-gel technique was used to synthesise M-type SrFe12O19 whereby the ethene ethanediol acts as gel precursor. The starting stuffs, Sr nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O were used due to their high solubility in ethylene ethanediol. Calculation below was made to find the weight of stuffs needed to be used. Relative Molecular Mass of stuffs: Strontium nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 211.63 g/mol Iron ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 404 g/mol ( Note: All replies have to be converted into 3 important figures. ) No. of mol of 1 g Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = Mass of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 RMM of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 1g 211.63g/mol = 4.7252Ãâ€"10-3 mol Strontium: Fe = 1: 12 No. of mol of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = 4.7252Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 12 = 5.6702Ãâ€"10-2 mol Mass of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = No. of mol of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed ten RMM of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 5.6702Ãâ€"10-2 mol x 404g/mol = 22.9 g From the computation, 1g of Sr nitrate and 22.9g of Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates were needed in the synthesis and were weighted. Strontium nitrate would supply 1 mol of Sr ions and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates would supply 12 mol of Fe ions in the synthesis of Sr ferrite, which matched the molecular expression of SrFe12O19. The Sr nitrate and Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates were readily dissolved in ethene ethanediol with little heat applied due to their high solubility in it. The mixture was heated somewhat and stirred with a magnetic saloon until the mixture was to the full dissolved. The attendant solution is in crystalline ruddy colour. The magnetic stirring saloon was removed. The mixture was heated to 100A °C and it would easy transform into a gel signifier. The gel was dried with uninterrupted heating at 100A °C for 3 hours. The dried gel was so transferred to a crucible to take hints of organic precursor. A mixture of metal oxides in spread nanoclusters signifier was obtained. The dried gel was so annealed in a furnace at 800A °C for 3 yearss with extended land with a stamp in a howitzer after annealed at interval of each twenty-four hours.2.1.2 Synthesis of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19Cation substituted strontium ferrite was synthesized by utilizing Co ( II ) ions and Ti ( IV ) ions to replace the Fe ions in M-type hexangular Sr ferrite. The permutation of Co ( II ) and Ti ( IV ) gives the compound a new molecular expression, which is SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19 where the x denoted different ratios. In the synthesis of cation substituted SrFe12O19, the ratios of cations used, x, is in between 0.2 to 6.0 ( 0.2 a†°Ã‚ ¤ x a†°Ã‚ ¤ 6.0 ) , where ten = 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0. The same method described in subdivision 2.1.1 was used for the synthesis, by merely adding two new get downing stuffs, which are the Co ( II ) nitrate and Ti ( IV ) ethoxide to give the Co2+ and Ti4+ cations. Calculation as described below was made to cipher the weight of stuffs needed severally. Relative Molecular Mass of stuffs: Strontium nitrate, Sr ( NO3 ) 2 = 211.63 g/mol Iron ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O = 404 g/mol Cobalt ( II ) nitrate, Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O = 291.04 g/mol Titanium ( IV ) ethoxide, Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = 228.11 g/mol ( Note: All replies have to be converted into 3 important figures. ) Examples used for the computation: SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19, x= 0.2 No. of mol of 1 g Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = Mass of Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 RMM of Ti ( CC2H5 ) 4 = 1g 228.11g/mol = 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol 0.2 mol of Ti needed 1 mol of Sr. 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol of Ti needed ( 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 1 ) mol of Sr. 0.2 Therefore, 0.021919 mol of Sr is needed. Mass of Sr ( NO3 ) 2 needed = 0.021919mol ten 211.63 g/mol = 4.64 g 0.2 mol of Ti needed 11.6 mol of Fe. 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol of Ti needed ( 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 11.6 ) mol of Sr. 0.2 Therefore, 0.25426 mol of Fe is needed. Mass of Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O needed = 0.25426mol ten 404g/mol = 103 g Mass of Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O needed = 4.3838Ãâ€"10-3 mol x 291.04g/mol = 1.28 g The computation above were used to cipher the weight of get downing stuffs needed for other cation ratios, ten for 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0 and 6.0 severally every bit good. The weight needed for each stuff was tabulated in Table 2.1. ten Weight of stuffs needed ( g ) Sr ( NO3 ) 2 Fe ( NO3 ) 3A ·9H2O Co ( NO3 ) 2.6H2O 0.2 4.64 103 1.28 0.4 2.32 51.4 1.28 0.6 1.55 31.9 1.28 0.8 1.11 23.0 1.28 1.0 0.93 17.7 1.28 2.0 0.46 7.08 1.28 3.0 0.31 3.54 1.28 4.0 0.23 1.77 1.28 5.0 0.19 0.71 1.28 6.0 0.15 0.00 1.28 Table 2.1: Weight of stuffs needed for synthesis of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted Sr ferrite For the series of different permutation ratios ( ten ) , the corresponding Sr nitrate, Fe ( III ) nitrate-9-hydrates, Co ( II ) nitrate and Ti ( IV ) ethoxide were weighed and dissolved in 100ml ethene ethanediol. The oxides obtained after ignition were so annealed in a furnace at 800A °C for 3 yearss with extended land with a stamp in a howitzer after annealed at interval of each twenty-four hours. The readying for Sr ferrite and cation substituted strontium ferrite is shown in Fig. 2.1 in flow chart array. Figure 2.1: Conventional diagram of the process for synthesis of Sr ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted SrFe12O19.Sample CharacterizationMagnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1The magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted Sr ferrite produced by the method described above were examined utilizing the Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MARK 1 ( MK1 ) by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. The magnetic susceptibleness balance setup was shown in Fig. 2.2. Figure 2.2: Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. The basic design rule of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 was shown in Figure 2.3. Magnetic Susceptibility Balance determines the magnetic belongingss by puting two twosome of traveling magnets with the beam in between where the stationary sample is ready to be measured. Basically, the possible warp in the beam and the motion being made of a peculiar sample either solid or liquid could be observed in a balanced system which possesses a magnetic field. Meanwhile, the spiral within the instrument is conducted with current required in order to do compensation of the magnetic force produced by the sample. Either paramagnetic or diamagnetic could be resolved in a asset or minus comparatively on show with the assistance of the way that the beam Swift. Figure 2.3: Basic design rule of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 by Sherwood Scientific Ltd, England. Magnetic susceptibleness is defined as when the magnetising field is applied to the sample, how much is the ratio of the strength of magnetic attraction induced by the sample in response to the magnetising field which it is capable. In this experiment, mass susceptibleness was the chief concern. Mass susceptibleness, xg, is defines by the mathematical expression below: ?‘?g= ‘?v/d Where vitamin D = denseness of substance ?‘?v is the volume susceptibleness, calculated by utilizing the expression: ?‘?v = I/H Where I = strength of magnetic attraction produced in a substance H = strength of applied magnetic field Based on the magnetic belongingss of magnetic substances, they can be classified into one of the three groups. Among them, there is paramagnetic stuff which would pull by a strong magnetic field, diamagnetic which repelled by magnetic field and ferromagnetic which is alone to retain their ain magnetic field. After the external magnetic field is removed, ferromagnetic stuffs are still able to retain a lasting magnetic field. This is happened due to their free negatrons are in close propinquity and remain aligned without the magnetic field. Strontium ferrite and cobalt-titanium substituted Sr ferrite were found to be ferromagnetic due to the overshooting value observed on the show when the samples were introduced. To get the better of this job, a non-magnetic stuff Na chloride, was used to ‘dilute ‘ the big magnetic attraction induced by the samples. Procedure was carried out. First, the scope boss of Magnetic Susceptibility Balance MK1 was turned to the x1 graduated table and was allowed to warm up for 10 proceedingss before usage. The nothing boss is adjusted until the show reads 000. An empty sample tubing of known weight was placed into the tubing usher and the reading, Ro was taken. 0.0005g sample + 0.2820g NaCl ( sample length, fifty =3cm ) was packed into the sample column. The weight of samples and Na chloride were fixed for all measurings made. The jammed sample tubing was placed into tubing usher and the reading, R was taken. The stairss were repeated for all the 11 samples. The mass susceptibleness, ‘?g is calculated utilizing the expression: ?‘?g= CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m Where: cubic decimeter = length of sample ( centimeter ) m = mass of sample ( gm ) R = balance reading for sample + tubing Ro = balance reading for empty tubing CBal = the balance standardization changeless ( =1 )Chapter 3: Consequence AND DISCUSSION3.1 Consequences of Mass Susceptibility3.1.1 Mass susceptibleness of M-type SrFe12O19 3.1.2 Mass susceptibleness of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19 3.1.3 Table of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19 3.1.4 Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio3.2 Findingss and Discussion3.1 RESULTS OF MASS SUSCEPTIBILITYMass susceptiblenesss of the samples were calculated utilizing the expression: ?‘?g= CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m Where: cubic decimeter = sample length ( centimeter ) m = sample mass ( gm ) R = balance reading for sample in tubing Ro = balance reading for empty tubing CBal = the balance standardization changeless ( =1 ) * All the replies are adjusted to 4 important figures.3.1.1 Mass Susceptibility of M-type SrFe12O19?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 936- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.944Ãâ€"10-43.1.2 Mass Susceptibility of Cation Substituted SrFe12O19SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 798- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.668Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.4Ti0.4Fe11.2O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 671- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.414Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.6Ti0.6Fe10.8O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 654- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.380Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.8Ti0.8Fe10.4O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 542- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 1.156Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo1.0Ti1.0Fe10O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 441- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.954Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo2.0Ti2.0Fe8O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 236- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.544Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo3.0Ti3.0Fe6O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 162- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.396Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo4.0Ti4.0Fe4O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ 145- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.362Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo5.0Ti5.0Fe2O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ -006- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = 0.060Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo6.0Ti6.0O19 ?‘?g = CBal* cubic decimeter * ( R-Ro ) 109 * m = 1 ten 3cm ten [ -066- ( -036 ) ] 109 x 0.0005 = -0.060Ãâ€"10-43.1.3 Table of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19The mass susceptiblenesss of the samples calculated were summarized in Table 1. Samples Sample length, cubic decimeter ( centimeter ) Sample mass, m ( gm ) Empty tubing reading, R0 Reading for tubing + sample, R Mass susceptibleness, xg SrFe12O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 936 1.944Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.2Ti0.2Fe11.6O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 798 1.668Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.4Ti0.4Fe11.2O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 671 1.414Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.6Ti0.6Fe10.8O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 654 1.380Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo0.8Ti0.8Fe10.4O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 542 1.156Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo1.0Ti1.0Fe10O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 441 0.954Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo2.0Ti2.0Fe8O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 236 0.544Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo3.0Ti3.0Fe6O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 162 0.396Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo4.0Ti4.0Fe4O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 145 0.362Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo5.0Ti5.0Fe2O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 -006 0.060Ãâ€"10-4 SrCo6.0Ti6.0O19 0.1 0.0005 -036 -066 -0.060Ãâ€"10-4 Table 3.1: Mass susceptibleness, xg of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O193.1.4 Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratioA graph of mass susceptibleness of SrFe12O19 and Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) substituted SrFe12O19 against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio was plotted and shown in Graph 3.1. Figure 3.1: Graph of mass susceptibleness, ‘?g ( cgs ) against Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) ratio3.2 FINDINGS AND DISCUSSIONMagnetic susceptibleness is a step of response of negatrons in sample to an applied magnetic field. Electrons produce magnetic minutes at where the negatrons spin circularly around the karyon following right-thumb regulation. The net magmetic minute is the amount of minutes from all negatrons. There are three types of magnetic attraction ; they are ferromagnetic or ferrimagnetic, paramagnetic and diamagnetic. Strontium ferrite is a ferrimagnetic compound due to its high magnetic initiation, B when magnetic field, H is applied. The magnetic minutes of ferrimagnetic Sr ferrite is aligned parallel with applied magnetic field. It is a of course magnet because the magnetic minutes are point at one way even there is no magnetic field is applied. The magnetic minute of M-type hexangular ferrites strongly prefer the hexangular axis way, which is the c-axis. Within the grain boundaries of ferrimagnetic atoms, the spheres are aligned in two waies opposing when there is no magnetic field applied. As the magnetic field is applied and strength of applied field ( H ) increases, the magnetic minute of ferrimagnetic stuff become aligns with H. The magnetic spheres with aligned magnetic minute grow at disbursal of ill aligned 1s. In the terminal, the magnetic spheres become individual sphere when the applied magnetic field additions until a point. Single magnetic sphere is desirable as it is easy to revolve the atoms for use. Single sphere besides gives higher magnetic initiation because there are no oppose magnetic sphere, the individual sphere align in one way merely. These belongingss are ideal for doing of lasting magnet. To a higher opportunity of obtaining individual sphere in atoms of a compound, the compound frequently produced in nanoparticles. Nanoparticles tend to give few magnetic spheres, likely individual sphere. This is due to the really little size of atoms tend to give the smallest sum of grain boundary, hence the opportunity of acquiring magnetic spheres in opposite way is little comparison to the big size atoms which have more grain boundaries. Therefore in this survey, sol-gel technique which is able to bring forth nano-sized atoms was employed. The magnetic belongingss of the hexangular Sr ferrites are strongly dependent upon the synthesis conditions and the site penchant of the substituted cations among the five different Fe3+ sublattices viz. , tetrahedral ( 4f1 ) , rhombohedral bipyramidal ( 2b ) and octahedral ( 12k, 2a and 4f2 ) of hexangular construction [ 13 ] . Mass susceptibleness is the ratio of the strength of magnetic attraction induced in the sample to the magnetizing field applied in response to the denseness of the substance. In commercial application, the mass susceptibleness is desirable as holding high value, for the use of strong lasting magnet and entering media. For the composing where x = 0.2, the substituted Sr ferrite recorded lessening in mass susceptibleness. The magnetic belongingss were non every bit desirable as the value of susceptibleness demands to be comparatively high. In the specimen with x = 0.4, a dramatically addition in mass susceptibleness was measured. The addition in susceptibleness indicated that the permutation of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) had filled up the minor I?-sublattice ( spin-down ) of the magnetoplumbite construction and therefore enhanced the measured magnetization along the I ±-sublattice ( spin-up ) axis. In the specimen with x = 0.6, the mass susceptibleness decreased. The big lessening of susceptibleness indicated that at this ratio, the Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) cations may good hold occupied the cation sites which were in the I ±-sublattice ( spin-up ) . For x = 0.8 to 5.0, it was found that both specimens recorded similar values of susceptibleness. As the permutation of Co ( II ) -Ti ( IV ) increased, the susceptibleness showed a rapid lessening. It might hence be expected that farther permutation will later bring forth a superparamagnetic-like Sr ferrite. Superparamagnetism is a phenomenon by which magnetic stuffs may exhibit a behaviour similar to paramagnetism at temperatures below the Curie temperature. For x = 6.0 shows negative value of mass susceptibleness, indicates the formation of Co oxide and Ti dioxide which are diamagnetic. There are no Fe oxides which gives ferromagnetic belongingss. From the old published survey, the partial permutation of Fe3+ ions with a Co2+ + Ti4+ brace was attempted [ 4 ] . However, the coercive force reduces and at the same time impregnation magnetisation besides reduces. Therefore, the ratio of substituted cations is really of import in modifying the magnetic belongingss of ferrite. Single sphere atoms of Ti-Co substituted M-type hexaferrite posses attractive belongingss for the recording media applications [ 13 ] . Such permutations at Fe site are effectual in cut downing the coercivity and magnetocrystalline anisotropy but require higher annealing temperature for the individual stage formation. It has besides been reported that when synthesising Ti-Co substituted hexaferrites, it is hard to avoid the formation of Co ferrite. Although the coercivity lessening by the permutation of Co-Ni but at the same clip the impregnation magnetisation of the stuffs lessening which limit their applications in the high denseness entering media.Chapter 4: Decisions4.1 Decisions4.2 Future Work4.1 DecisionThe consequence of cation permutation on magnetic belongingss of Sr ferrite is discussed in the old chapter. The magnetic belongingss are differing matching to the different cation permutation ratios. There existed important tendency which corresponded to the alterations in perm utation ratio in Sr ferrite. The mass susceptibleness is the highest at x = 0.4 in SrCoxTixFe12-2xO19. This indicates that this cation permutation ratio gives best magnetic behavior where the magnetisation is the highest. This phenomenon is favorable for commercial application such as doing of lasting magnet and magnetic recording media.4.2 FUTURE WORKIn this survey, the magnetic belongingss of M-type hexangular SrFe12O19 and cation substituted SrFe12O19 was studied. One of the magnetic belongingss, mass susceptibleness of the ferrites was determined in this survey, by utilizing magnetic susceptibleness balance. Besides magnetic susceptibleness balance, the survey on magnetic belongingss can be improved by utilizing SQUID gaussmeter or vibrating sample gaussmeter ( VSM ) [ 12 ] to look into the impregnation magnetization, remnant magnetization and coercivity. These three magnetic belongingss are the indispensable one to find their magnetic behavior for assorted applications. However , these two instruments are non available in our research lab. The cobalt-titanium permutation is replacing the Fe sites alternatively of Sr sites. The Sr site could be substituted with other passage elements or rare earth elements with the similar atomic radii, illustration for Bi and rare earth. In future, farther survey could be carried out by substituted rare earth wholly to replace strontium ferrite to look into whether the M-type hexangular construction remains. One of the ways to heighten magnetic belongingss is to bring forth individual sphere atoms by partner offing the divalent-tetravalent permutation in Sr ferrite with appropriate man-made methods. Besides cation permutation by Co2+-Ti4+ brace, sol gel derived strontium ferrite with Fe substituted by Zn2+ , Ti4+ and Ir4+ have been carried out [ 9 ] . They are Zn2+-Ti4+ brace and Zn2+-Ir4+ brace. If this is true, it will hold a great impact on the engineering of tomorrow.

Saturday, September 28, 2019


A review of the biographical novel, Biko by Donald Woods. The paper reviews the book as a biography of both Steve Biko and Donald Woods. It illustrates how Donald Woods was able to combine his own story with that of Steve Biko in the novel. It begins with a background on Steve Biko and Donald Woods, goes on to state the main struggle of the book and gives a synopsis of the plot. The focus of this paper is on the way the events affected Woods.Biko tells the story of Donald Woods and his relationship with black consciousness leader Steve Biko. The author Donald Woods is a journalist and was a close friend of Steve Bikos. Biko is a biography of Donald Woods as well as a biography of Steve Biko as Woods sees him. Firstly, I will briefly detail who Steve Biko is so the events of the book can be seen in perspective. Steve Biko was a black South African who led the black consciousness movement in South Africa. He struggled for liberation from the apartheid regime. He was a political activist and believed that black liberation started with black psychological self-reliance. This idea was the basis for the black consciousness movement that Biko led. Biko believed that by doing this you could get to the base of the problem and change the way society operated. Biko was killed by South African security forces while in detention, aged thirty.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Leadership question 3 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Leadership question 3 - Essay Example The authors have also attempted to scrutinize leadership through the lens of organizational behaviour. The research conducted over last many years is analysed in this portion in an order to convey the most thorough meaning of leadership. The central lesson is that despite many arguments and discussions, the word leadership is pretty much like an ambiguous image which is open to multiple interpretations on a perceptual level. This is why, the criteria of leadership should be properly understood to acquire grasp over true doctrine of leadership. Understanding the true meaning of leadership is very important because the whole integrity of an organization depends upon this knowledge. This matters because those leaders who are not conscientious enough to explore the doctrine of philosophy make many mistakes. They think that leadership is only about productivity and sales. Without a thorough understanding, the importance of a viable social system is left unacknowledged in the dark. Not only leadership traits, but leadership behaviours and contingencies should also be explored to develop a full understanding and incorporating the things learned into every organizational process. Whenever a definite change is brought in the motivational level of group members by any one member, there is presence of leadership behind that change. This means that leadership translates into affecting others’ ways of perceiving myriad things. Developing the ability to distinguish different leaders from each other also matters a lot because thi s can help a person aspiring to become a leader to appreciate how the best leaders became able to accomplish those tasks which others could not. The things I learned are critically relevant to me and my leadership development because they lay emphasis on all important qualities which should be in a leader. Leadership development and this kind of knowledge are inextricably linked to each other. I understood that a good leader cannot establish a

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Warfarin Therapy Issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Warfarin Therapy Issues - Essay Example HAS-BLED is made up of the first letters to health issues that the schema addresses: Hypertension, Abnormal kidney and/or liver function, Stroke, Bleeding, Labile INR, Elderly, and Drugs and/or alcohol. Lip discovered during the research that the combined usage of both CHADS2 and HAS-BLED tools could have prevented many of the bleeding issues found in previous cases. The results of the combined testing would have shown that in the case of your mother, Lip would have known which other drugs on the market, would work better for her needs. This would be the true value of evidence-based practice.In using the search question â€Å"how does warfarin therapy compared to other newer anticoagulants affect bleeding risks in older people in US,† another study was brought up that reflected a doctor’s experience with newer drugs, dabigatran and rivaroxaban, that differ in many ways from warfarin, although dabigatran has some history of stomach distress. As the author suggests, docto rs need to be mindful of the pharmacokinetics and action mechanisms of the drugs when considering whether to prescribe them to patients. The article is a well-researched overview of how he made his discoveries and applications and also has a full list of resources that would also be helpful for your research to obtain more data. The two resources referenced here provide a good starting point for your future research regarding your mother’s condition and how to create search terms as well (Melnyk&Fineout-Overholt, 2011).

The reflection as successful ability of the students Essay

The reflection as successful ability of the students - Essay Example The reflection is the successful ability of the student to relate the theoretical approach with the professional challenges. The student should be able to understand the requirements that the respective profession and job sought from the candidate. The development of the critical and analytical skills is, therefore essential to handle the requirements of the profession with the logical approach under professional acumen. The professional obligations shall be realised by the candidates, and this has been possible by relating the learning experiences with the current situation. The difference between the role and responsibility of the student and candidate is the accountability of the latter. The candidate is under compulsion to involve in the interactive sessions inside the classroom to understand and develop professional motivation and direction. Considering the relevant example of the business situations, under my capacity as Business Analyst for the financial institution, it is exp ected that candidate shall be able to handle and resolve the economic issues of the company, and generate business opportunities for the company.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Financial Theory and Corporate Policy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Financial Theory and Corporate Policy - Essay Example Similarly, 'economies of scope' is also varied in nature: Cost-based economies of scope, revenue-based economies of scope, and diversification-based economies of scope. Reduction in Expenses - A merger must result in adoption of new technologies, goals, strategies, and operational approaches in such a way that they cumulatively lead to cost reduction in delivering the services and thereby make the merged-entity more competitive in garnering increased sales and net margins. Enhanced Market Power and Reduced Earnings Volatility - It is obvious that the acquired business should either add to the market share of the company or create a fresh niche market of its own, so that volatility in earnings can be minimized and profitability is sustained. Earnings are sustained only when sales performance constantly improves and that is where mergers come handy in creating that extra "edge" over the competitors with the least loss of time. Smooth Privatization - The ongoing sovereigns' love for deregulation and privatization resulted in cross-border movement of capital mostly into developing economies for acquiring controlling interests in companies being privatized. Indeed, many developing countries could attract fresh capital and modern technology into their otherwise obsolete public sector businesses and make them competitive through cross-border mergers/acquisitions. Competency Buildup - In today's deregulated markets, "competency" of domestic businesses has become a must, to face the onslaught from multinationals. In this regard, mergers have come handy for consolidation and buildup of requisite "scale of economies" and "scale of scope", to maintain the revenue stream with least volatility (Houston 2001). Tax Gains- Mergers and acquisitions attract capital gains tax in the hands of the amalgamated company/acquired company on the sale of its assets and shares. However, the treatment of taxing capital gains is not the same globally. A few countries such as Singapore and Malaysia, tax capital gains on real estate or shares in real estate at special rates, while Hong Kong exempts capital gains. Indonesia and Thailand tax the capital gains arising on the sale of shares and other assets at the normal rates of tax. 2. What sort of problems commonly result in mergers failing to achieve all of the promised efficiency gains Failure to anticipate a problem before the problem actually arises - Managements may unwittingly administer a merger process hoping to reap synergy or they may initiate a disastrous step hoping to bring cultural fusion between the acquired and the acquirer. One common underlying reason behind these acts could be that the acquirer firm may have no experience of such problems and thus are not sensitized to such probabilities. It is only in the hindsight that the analyst could say today that merger of copper business was a mistake, unless one increased its production capacities, to enjoy operating leverage. There are umpteen reasons as to why companies may fail to anticipate problems: Failure to perceive the problem, when the problem does arrive - Once a merged unit faces unanticipated problems, the immediate requirement is to address the issues that became a hurdle for realization of anticipated benefits. But in reality, managements seldom perceive the problem that has actually face and reasons for the same could be many: One, the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Social issues in canada Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Social issues in canada - Essay Example As the nation has a lot of Catholic individuals, any kind of abortion was not tolerated. From 1969, abortion was permitted in the event when the life of a mother is said to be at risk. Illegal abortions were still done and in 1988, Dr. Henry Morgentaler, an abortionist was faced with abortion charges. Finally, the court ruled that the present abortion regulations in Canada epitomized an unconstitutional burden on women rights. This made the law to be upended (McCullough, 2014). Even though the Canadian Supreme Court allowed for other limits on abortion, the government of Canada has never approved any of the limits. Women in Canada are at liberty to abort and it is seen to be a degree of laxity that has not been seen in any part of the western world. The Canadian health care system is seen to be functioning properly and liked by most individuals for the services they provide. Since 1960s, the Canadian government started a slow process of removing out the profit making health clinics, hospitals and insurance. They were later replaced with universal, new and health care system funded by the government. Currently, every individual in Canada is offered comprehensive health insurance without requesting. This is done by the use of public health coverage plans that different provincial governments run (McCullough, 2014). It means that every Canadian individual does not need to pay for his/her medical bills or depend on their employers for any health insurance. A small amount on monthly premiums is charged by the government while it steps in to clear the majority of the bill for operations, check-ups and exams. It is not easy to maintain a health care system. Currently, many Canadian individuals need to purchase supplementary private health insurance required in paying for eye examinations, operations termed as non-essential by the government and dentist examinations. Likewise, hospitals in Canada mostly have a lot of patients because they are accessed easily. This

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Does Thoreau's Civil Disobedience suggest that he is a strong Annotated Bibliography

Does Thoreau's Civil Disobedience suggest that he is a strong anarchist - Annotated Bibliography Example Thoreau wrote on this doctrine in response and opposition to the Mexican-American War that occurred between 1846 and1848, and the slavery that was prevalent in the American society then. This work was later to have an overwhelming motivation to future political protests, particularly by Martin Luther King Jr. as well as Mahatma Gandhi who vehemently opposed political actions and regimes of their times. Whereas on the face of it Thoreau would be seen as advocating for anarchy and violence (Petrulionis Para 6 ) Thoreau’s radical concept is merely a strong condemnation of political injustices and abuse of political rights. Background to Henry David Thoreau   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Henry David Thoreau  had many talents and he worked tirelessly to develop them. Henry was born in 1817 and grew up close to John, his elder brother who worked as a teacher in order to raise money for settling the tuition fee for Henry at Harvard (Hoeltje 359). One of Henry’s childhood memories w as that he could sometimes stay awake at night just to look at the stars to find out if he could be able to spot God behind those stars. A look at his entire life may lead on to conclude that he never seized to look into the nature to find the ultimate truth. Henry also served as a teacher with his brother John till 1842 when John cut himself in the process of shaving and lost his life to lockjaw right in Henry’s hands. By then Henry was 25 and he was highly traumatized by the experience. He served as a surveyor and helped his father in making pencils for sometimes. When Henry was 28, that is in the year 1845, he decided to go to Walden Pond where he built himself a cabin an land belonging to Emerson. He went there with the aim of whiting his first book.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thoreau did a lot of reading and writing at Walden besides spending a lot of time touring nature. He was at one point briefly imprisoned for failing to pay the poll tax. He went back to Concord after t wo years and two moths where he took to surveying and making pencils having realized that only a few people were interested in buying his books. For nine years, he did these activities as part time jobs but concentrated more on writing and rewriting his book, the Walden. In fact, he made seven full drafts of the text before finally trying to have it published. He did the surveying and made a few lectures mostly on the experiences he had at Walden pond to raise money for his support.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Thoreau was strongly against the idea of the government waging the war in Mexico as evidenced in the text Resistance to Civil Government. He also held an abolitionist lecture against slavery basing his arguments on the brief experiences he had in jail, as recorded in Slavery in Massachusetts. After meeting him in Concord, Thoreau also became a strong supporter of the efforts of John Brown to bring slavery to an end, as recorded in A  Plea for Captain John Brown.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚     Ã‚  In 1862, when Thoreau was 44 years of age, he passed on as a result of tuberculosis. Thoreau left behind a lot of written work under his name including two books, several essays and a huge Journal which was later published in 20 volumes. One common feature in Thoreau’s works is the complex contradictions in them that stimulate the readers to creatively rethink their own lives as he did. About Thoreau’

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Third World Debt Resolutions Essay Example for Free

Third World Debt Resolutions Essay [1]One fact is undeniable: Someone is going to have to pay for past debts. It could be the people in debtor countries, or the banks, or the people in advanced industrial countries. Most likely it will be some combination of these three groups. In the last ten years, there have been a variety of proposals which, unfortunately, usually reflect only the special interests of the groups proposing them. Generally speaking, these solutions fall into three categories: repudiation, minor adjustments in repayments, or reduction. Debt repudiation, in the sense of a unilateral cessation of repayment, occurred in a number of countries: Bolivia, Brazil, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, and Peru.With the exception of the Peruvian cessation, however, most of these actions have been taken with assurances that the stoppages were only temporary. Peru announced that it was unilaterally limiting its debt repayments to a percentage of its export earnings; and since Peru took this action, other nations have indicated that they will act similarly. There have been no serious proposals for a widespread and coordinated repudiation of global debt. The economist Jeffrey Sachs offers several reasons for this absence of a general repudiation.First, debt repudiation is a dramatic and abrupt act. Most nations would prefer to defer such decisions as long as there are advantages to muddling through, and growth prospects are sufficiently ambiguous to make this muddling a viable course. Second, debtor countries fear retaliation from commercial banks. If the banks were to cut off nondebt related activities, such as trade credits, the situation could be made even worse. Third, the debtor countries fear retaliation from creditor governments and multilateral lending agencies. Grants from development banks could be affected, and trade relations would probably be seriously disrupted. Finally, the leaders of most of the debtor countries have interests in maintaining good relations with the richer countries, and repudiation would jeopardize these interests. Repudiation would also seriously disrupt global economic relations, probably far beyond the immediate losses of the debts themselves. Retaliations would follow, because it would be politically impossible for lenders not to react, and because there would be a conscious effort to warn other potential defaulters against similar action. The escalation of economic warfare would have the effect of sharply reducing international economic interactions in trade, investment, and exchange. Such an outcome is in no ones interest. The vast bulk of activity since 1982 has involved adjusting the timing and method of repayment. The number of specific proposals is bewildering.One can read about debt-equity swaps, in which businesses or properties in the debtor country are purchased at a discount by the banks as partial repayment; debt-for-debt swaps, where bonds are offered as discounted repayments; exit bonds, which are long-term bonds tendered essentially as take-it-or-leave-it offers to creditors who have no interest in investing any further and wish to cut their losses; or cash buy-backs, where the debtor country simply buys back its loan at a deep discount. Some of these proposals, notably the debt-for-nature swaps, where the debtor country promises to protect the environment in return for purchases of the debt by outside groups, are creative and could have important effects. This array of proposals is referred to as a menu approach to debt repayment, and its logic is superficially sound. It was the logic of the plan offered by Secretary of the Treasury James Baker in 1985. By providing a number of different options, repayments can be tailored to the specific circumstances of a country, thereby easing the burden. Critical to the success of the menu approach is the assumption that countries will grow out of their debt. Yet, the evidence suggests that this assumption is not entirely sound. This approach further assumes the repayment of debts on terms that are essentially dictated by the creditors. No lender is obligated to accept any one of these possibilities. Moreover, the opportunities for swaps and buy backs are limited: there are, after all, a relatively small number of investment opportunities in poorer countries, and the debt crisis itself has further limited those possibilities. Finally, some of these swaps can actually increase the drain on the capital of a country, particularly if profit remittances on successful investments turn out to be very high. The final proposals have to do with debt reduction, and these only became a real possibility in the spring of 1989 with the announcement of a new plan, dubbed the Brady Plan, after U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Nicholas Brady. The plan originally called for a total reduction of about 20 percent of global debt, with the IMF and the World Bank offering guarantees for the repayment of the other 80 percent of the debt.Since 1989, Argentina, Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Morocco, the Philippines, and Venezuela have reached agreements concerning their debts under the auspices of the Brady proposal. This approach recognizes that many of the menu approaches were, in fact, schemes for debt reduction on a case-by-case basis. This formal recognition of the need for systematic debt reduction is a hopeful sign, but the plan clearly does not go far enough. In market terms, developing-country debt is already selling on the secondary market at about thirty-five cents to the dollar. In other words, debt reduction has already occurred in the marketplace, and any plan that incorporates reductions must take this into account. There are some serious problems with debt reduction. Debt reduction could reduce the incentive for debtor nations to make economic changes that could lead to greater efficiency. Or, it could set a precedent that would have the effect of reducing, or even eliminating, the possibility for any future bank lending for economic development projects. Finally, debt reduction could have the effect of saddling public lending agencies, like the World Bank, with enormous burdens, thereby vitiating their future effectiveness. These concerns are genuine. Counterposed to these possibilities, however, is the stark reality of hundreds of millions of people living in desperate conditions with no hope of relief in the near- or medium-term future. Any plan for easing the debt burden, therefore, must try to incorporate a number of legitimate, but competing, concerns of varying importance. First, the repayment of the debt itself has ceased to be the central concern. Private banks obviously have an interest in the repayment of the debt and, to the extent possible, these interests must be accommodated. But the security of the international banking system is no longer at risk, and that, as a legitimate public concern, can no longer dictate possible necessary actions. The central concerns now are the reestablishment of economic growth in the heavily indebted countries, the effective and meaningful distribution of that growth into all sectors of their societies, and their reintegration into the international economic system. Only after sustained economic growth returns to the heavily indebted countries can the international community even begin to determine manageable rates and methods of debt repayment. Second, the International Monetary Fund must fundamentally reassess its policies. Programs of structural adjustment may be appropriate for the original purpose of the IMF-to assist nations having temporary difficulties in maintaining currency values because of transient balance-of-payments difficulties. But these programs are profoundly counterproductive in current circumstances and, indeed, are guided by a wildly inappropriate perspective. The inflows of capital to the IMF from the heavily indebted countries were more than a gross embarrassment; they were conclusive evidence of the IMFs misunderstanding of the causes of the debt crisis. The IMF should shift its perspective to more creative or appropriate ways of stabilizing or depressing interest rates rather than raising them, or ways to prevent capital flight from developing countries, or any number of issues that concern the specific conditions of economic growth. The mechanical application of a model of economic growth is wrongh eaded. Third, the resolution of the debt crisis depends upon a clear recognition that much of the debt, as formally constituted, will not, because it cannot, be repaid. Some countries, such as those in sub-Saharan Africa, ought not to repay their debts. Other countries, particularly the heavily indebted ones, can pay something on their debts, and perhaps the appropriate percentage is about half. Viewed in this light, the real question becomes one of allocating the costs of this nonpayment of debts. The current emphasis of forcing the poor to pay with broken lives and broken spirits is demeaning to both rich and poor, and ill-serves the long-term interests of rich as well as poor. Finally, there are genuine issues of responsibility that deserve to be made explicit. The debt crisis is only a symptom of an international economic system that tolerates growing and abysmal poverty as a normal condition. This need not, and should not, be the case. The developed countries have a responsibility to create conditions whereby the poorer countries can interact more productively in international economic activities: their single most important contribution to this end might be in the area of reducing trade restrictions on the products of poorer countries. Similarly, the developing countries have a responsibility to see that money is more effectively utilized within their own borders. The obscene personal profits accumulated by such leaders as Marcos of the Philippines and Mobutu of Zaire should not be fostered by the strategic interests of other countries. The banks should also face up to the fact that their single-minded pursuit of profits almost led them to the brink of bankruptcy. The lesson to be learned from this experience is that for economic growth to be sustained, close attention must be paid to the mutual interests of all parties involved. [1]Ferraro, V and Rosser, M (1994) , World Security: Challenges for a New Century, (New York: St. Martins Press)

Friday, September 20, 2019

Business Plan of an International Dance Academy

Business Plan of an International Dance Academy EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Our business idea is to set up an international dance academy called IDA (S.a;r.l) founded by Ms Ikrame Jabre. As it will be established on the 1st January2011, in Moulay Driss 1er with an area of 1000 meter squares, and it is considered as one of the best strategic locations in Casablanca, Morocco which has been one of the most politically stable countries in North Africa. This business will embody 28 rooms including both administration and dance rooms, 6 WCs and viewable garden for relaxation. Our academy will deliver dance courses (13hrs/week) in a period of three years starting from October to June for the academic dance classes, by teaching them 3 types of dances each semester. Apart from this, we will also offer leisure classes by working 11 months a year in (2hrs/week). IDA will target two types of customers based on its market research, who are: beginners and talented people for the academic classes as well as children and adults for the leisure classes. Our mission is to deliver a valuable dancing courses to our customers by providing inspirational quality of services in order to inspire, motivate and enrich everyone in the art of dance. Our prospective business idea is to set up an international dance academy called IDA in Morocco specifically in Casablanca in Mly Driss 1er with an area of 1000 meter square. As the founder of IDA (International dance academy) is Miss Ikrame Jabre who has a wide experience in different types of dances such as Rock in Roll, Cha-Cha, waltz, tango and so many others. Ikrame has a great passion for dancing since her childhood, She was keen on dancing, this is why she benefited from her traveling to different countries to discover the dancing cultures, For instance, when she went to Egypt she was fascinated by the belly dance whose popularity has spread globally. The idea of setting up IDA was inspired from her getting acquainted with different schools of dancing. But her bottleneck was how to finance the business as shes got only 51% of the capital and wants to be a chairman of IDA, for this reason she looked for partners that will support the business. So far, She has found four partners who are: Sophia Amzay with 29% of the capital as a manager of a financial department. Fatima Zahra souiri with 10% of the capital as a manager of the marketing department. Manal el koumani with 5% of the capital as a manager of an Human Resources department. Youssef El Mellouki with 5% of the capital as a silent partner. With respect of a total capital is : 43.025.400 DIRHAMS In this international dance academy we will give classes to both academic and leisure ones. So for the academic classes, we will target talented people and beginners either male or female, as we will deliver 3 different kinds of dances each semester, in a period of 2 years and for the 3rd year we will give the opportunity to our students to specialize in one kind of dance of their choices. These classes will be given in 13 hours per week by 15 professional teachers and coaches both local and foreigners that are successfully ready to give classes in French ; 12 of them for teaching dance classes because each type of dance needs its own teacher as they will also teach the dance culture; and one teacher for visual arts, physical attitude another coach for wellness, and the last one for teaching dramatic arts. In 2011 we will suffice only by hiring 6 dance teachers and 3 ones for the other subjects That Go With The dance classes, which are physical attitude, wellness, dramatic arts. Because we will set a Program of Teaching 6 dances in 2 semesters, so for the first term We Will give courses of Ballet , Chaabi, Salsa and in the second term We Will teach tap dance, belly dance and tango. But for the first term in 2012 we will deliver other types of dances which are: Latino, musical theatre and rock in roll, and for the following term , hip hop, waltz and Cha-cha; so in here we will add 6 other teachers. By 2013 we will classify teachers depending on the students numbers and their selection of the dance specialties. In the fourth year which is 2014 we will add 6 kinds of dances and 6 other professional teachers to give to our students a broad choice for planning the types of dances that will be given each semester and let them to plan in their own ways by keeping the same academic strategies and rules. Moreover, on the fifth year 2015 we will expand our business to other cities in morocco starting by Marrakech, and for the following years we will keep going locally and then we will start globally. Whereas for the leisure side we categorize it upon two kinds of customers: adults and children. Which concerns the adults, we will deliver to them 2 types of dances in their choices depending on the kind of dances that we will begin with, and that are the same as the academic ones excluding the other subjects which are wellness, visual arts and so on the classes will be given twice a week, one hour per session starting from 7 pm. And for children it remains the same, as it differs just in terms of time, because they will have 1 hour dance class On Wednesday afternoon and the other one hour on Saturday morning. In our international dance academy we will also organize competitions to our students internationally once a year starting by morocco in the first two years from 2011 to 2013 and for the coming years well do it abroad. In addition, IDA provides an international diploma that allows their students to have an easy access to work in all over the world. USP of IDA: you can learn a variety of dances academically, that makes you professional dancer internationally. IDAs Vision: IDA will provide a positive and educational dance experience for all community. IDAS MARKETS AND COMPETITORS Our ambition through this first step of setting up this project properly is to Define the situation of dance in the Moroccan market. Based on our research on the secondary data we didnt find any statistics or exact numbers that show the percentage of people who go for dance in the Moroccan market, but we went through our primary data which is a questionnaire that is as follow to find out information that may be helpful to our business. QUESTIONNAIRE: 1-In which sort of dance classes are you interested in? Academic   Leisure Both 2-  Ã‚  Ã‚   What level of dancer do you consider yourself? Beginner Intermediate High level 3. How often do you take classes or go for dancing?   1 2 a week   Ã‚      3 4 a week   Ã‚  Ã‚   Over 4 a week 4. Do you have a friend or family member who you would like to see participate   in the dance classes?  Ã‚      Yes   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   No 5. What are the kinds of dance classes would you like to take? cha3bi   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   cha cha   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Latino  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Oriental  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tap Dance  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Classical dance  Ã‚  Ã‚   Modern jazz  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Musical   theatre   Ã‚  Ã‚   Cha Cha   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Salsa   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Samba   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Rock in Roll  Ã‚   waltz   Ã‚  Ã‚   Street Dance  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   International Style   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Tango   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Bolero    Salsa Aerobics 6. What age group are you? -18-  -24-     -36- -49- -60-  -Above-   7. Would you recommend the Academy to others? Yes, definitely Probably Probably Not Definitely Not RESULTS OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE: 1) In which sort of dance classes are you interested in? Academic 54% Leisure 42% Both 61% According to the results, 61% of Academic and leisure are interesting in dance classes. 2-  Ã‚  Ã‚   What level of dancer do you consider yourself? beginner 57% intermediate 39% high level 28% The graph shows that 57% of beginner has highest level of practicing dance. 3. How often do you take classes a week for dancing? 12 47% 23 26% over 4 15% The majority of people prefer to attend dance classes from 1_2 weeks 4. Do you have a friend or family member who you would like to see participate   in the dance classes?  Ã‚   Yes 21% No 37% The result shows that 37% of people are motivated in dances. 5. What are the kinds of dance classes would you like to take? hip hop 10% valse 8% musical theatre 12% tap dance 14% cha3bi 56% belly dance 54% classical dance 31% salsa 61% latino 34% cha cha 37% Tango 26% rock in roll 41% Based on this result we found out that salsa has high demand than the other types of dances. 6. What age group are you? 18 34% 24 42% 36 22% 49 13% 60 9% The graph shows that the people who got 24 years old are more attracted than the other.   7. Would you recommend the Academy to others? probably 34% maybe 41% probably not 12% definitely not 8% We notice from this graph that 41% of people are interesting to recommend other about the academy. our purpose is to enable young dancers male and female to meet, share and present their talents to new market starting from Casablanca to affirm or confirm their talents, which will guarantee the future of dance in Morocco. Competitors: International dance academy is distinguished from its competitors. As it delivers both academic and leisure dance classes that the others dont. And also it provides different kinds of dances for different levels with a consistent quality of services in a purpose of satisfying the customers needs and encourage them to implement and show their talents. Most of our competitors are giving leisure sessions rather than the academic ones, for instance, Locations and training centers which are Municipal : In Casablanca: Conservatory of Dance, 21, street Najib Mahfouz avenue Gautier, Tel.: 27.59.52, fax: 29.76.86, Zinoun Lahcen, choreographer, ballet and modern In Meknes: Conservatory, 2 street Abou El Hassan, El Marini Apt 5, New Town, Tel.: (05) 52.39.44, Amal Kit, ballet Locations and training centers which are Private Schools Casablanca Dance Workshop Latifa, 1 street Theophile Gautier, Tel.: (02) 27.91.43, Latifa Hajjaj, choreographer, ballet and modern Private School Street Ibn Mounir Maà ¢rif No. 103, Tel.: (02) 25.12.21, Khalid Boulehia, modern dance, jazzÉcouterLire phonà ©tiquement In Rabat Russian Cultural Centre: Eugà ¨nie Nikita, ballet, Russian Cultural Centre, Tel.: 70.73.07 Private school at the top of Hyper market Agdal, Najia El Attaoui, ballet, Tel.: 77.33.14 Private School, 9 Tower Street El Alaouine Hasan Raselli Delcamby, ballet, choreographer, Tel.: 72.76.43 These schools consist only of teaching dances without having neither wellness nor visual art classes and other courses that go with each type of dance. And that leads to a lack of acquiring the real basis and cultures of dances to students. We can say that we are unique in the market, because we teach a variety of international dances academically that makes our students a professional dancers . in addition, we are characterized from others in terms of staff, because we bring professional teachers and coaches from different countries all over the world fitting the dances origins. So depending on the five competitive forces of porter: MARKETING AND SALES SWOT ANALYSIS OF IDA: Strenghts  : Monopoly Offering an academic dance degree offering a scholarship offering a unique programs hiring professional coaches making professional dancers Opportunities  : Dance schools (for leisure) Public relations Awareness about international dance among people Weaknesses  : Not a weakness till now Infant company Threats  : -emerging competition PESTEL ANALYSIS OF IDA: Political  : stable political state. Social  : people are always interested in dance academy, we are offering it for them. Moroccan are open minded and love entertainment. The famous dance in Morocco is Chaabi and we are teaching it in our school. Economical: capability to invest savings Cost of providing resources Teaching staff and support Shortages of materials international and national markets Legal: we took the authorization from the Moroccan ministry to give the Moroccan diploma also we are offering another diploma in collaboration with foreign schools. Environmental: We did a survey and we found out that Moroccan are very open and enthusiastic for this project. It will be located in Mly Driss 1er far from traffic. And its going to have a green space to help students relax Changes to standards/ equipment required. Technological: updating control systems. SALES AND PROMOTION: Strategies to attract new customers: In order to attract customers to our IDA international dance academy we are going to follow some strategies, such as: -Keeping our customers informed about our services that will be provided and published on the website as well as on the social network. -Making conventions with universities and schools to gain customers for leisure dance classes. -Making facilities of payment, for instance every person who brings hisher friend can have discount. -Fill out forms regarding to services and classes that enable as to know the customers wants and improve our services to satisfy them. Customers for academic dance classes: Year Number of customers % growth per Year Price/Year Total current sales in 10 months 2011 100 ____ 35,000Dhs 3,500,000Dhs 2012 150+ 100 150% 35,000Dhs 8,750,000Dhs 2013 215+100+150 86% 35,000Dhs 16,275,000Dhs 2014 270+215+150 36,55% 40,000Dhs 25,400,000Dhs 2015 300+150+215+270 32% 45,00Dhs 42,075,000Dhs 100 represents the first year customers for academic dance classes in 2011, but for 2012, there are two kinds of customers who are: 150 of new customers, 100 people of existing customers and for the following year 215 customers will be added by keeping the same existing ones because, IDA provides 3 years study of dance academic classes Numbers in black colour represents the new customers. Numbers in red colour represents the existing customers. Customers for leisure classes: Year Number of customers Price per month Total monthly sales 2011 25 350Dhs 8750Dhs 2012 42 350Dhs 14,700Dhs 2013 48 350Dhs 16,800Dhs 2014 62 400Dhs 24,800Dhs 2015 75 450Dhs 33,750Dhs Estimation of customers numbers for leisure dance classes: Months Number of customers September 13 October 13 November 16 December 20 January 20 February 25 March 25 May April 25 17 June 25 July 25 as we are new in the market, in the first two months we will begin by 13 customers in leisure classes, Afterward the number of customers will increase to 16 and then to 20 as it will be fixed in December and January after that, new 5 customers will come to register in February and march, whereas, in April and may the number of customers will decrease because of the exams period, and for the following two months that are in summer (June, July) the number of customers will become normal (25 customers in the first year). Offers and discounts: We will Give scholarship for talented people The students who get 98% in the exam will have a discount of 20% in the second year fees. The student who will win in the competitions that are going to be organized in yearly basis he/she z will travel to the original country of a such dance to explore the actual of that dance. Sales persons: We will hire experienced sales persons who take their passions for the challenges and mobility. And are ready to show clearly the charisma and enthusiasm to attract attention, create sympathy, inspire confidence and make memorable business relationships as well as that have a sense of curiosity and confidentiality. These people will work on presenting our services and offers, negotiate with customers and agencies that recruit professional dancers, and they will be involved in every sales activities in Casablanca and among other cities in Morocco as well as outside Morocco. year number of places salary per experiences salesperson person 2011 2 In different areas of 5000 DHS -should have 3 years experience Casablanca. 2012 3 In Casablanca and its 5500 DHS surroundings 2013 3 -In Casablanca and 5500 DHS must have a great ability Its surroundings to persuade 2014 4 -Different cities in 6000 DHS Morocco 2015 6 -In morocco and other From 7000 to 10  .000 DHS 7000 to 10.000 Dhs And some Foreign countries _In the first year 2011 we will have 2 sales persons: The first sales person will be responsible for the conventions with other agencies such as recruiting agencies. Second person: will bring customers from schools and different clubs. _In the Second year 2012we will increase the number of sales persons from 2 to 3 people: 2 people will be a responsible for making conventions with other agencies and the third one bring customers from different areas in Casablanca. _Third year 2013 we will keep the same number of sales people doing the same activities. _ For the Fourth year 2014 we will need four people because of upcoming new dances to our academy as we will need customers from different cities in Morocco. _In the Fifth year 2015, we will hire six sales people as a total, 4 of them are for the local market and 2 others for outside morocco, because we will look for a foreigner customers after setting up franchise in Marrakech. . MARKET STRATEGIES Strategies of promotion and sale services: One of strategies that (IDA) uses is advertisement which is designed to give introduction to people about the different classes and dances that the academy offer by using 4 types of advertising: InternetÆ’Â   advertising through the internet such as: website of IDA, and on the social network websites. MagazineÆ’Â   will be provided by supplement that contains the description of the academy with bright colors and pictures of the academy. NewspapersÆ’Â   the academy will be advertised on the newspapers in a sort of ads. RadioÆ’Â   we go through different radio stations: hit radio, Chada Fm, Radio Sawa and Casa Fm. Marketing mix of (IDA): product: our product is a service, we deliver both leisure and academic dance classes in a period of 3 years. (IDA) is the only academy in Moroccan market that will offer different dance classes academically of different types of dances with diplomas . price: (IDA) charge a reasonable prices, for the customers who want to dance for leisure they will pay 350 Dirhams per month, and for the students who will take the academic classes will pay in a yearly basis with an amount of 35,000 Dirhams as we will afford a payment facilities and give scholarship to talented people. Moreover, we ensure the stability of prices for the first three years then we will work on increasing the price because of upcoming new dances and the diversity of the schools among different cities and countries. PLACE: From 2011 to 2014 the service will be provided in Casablanca after that, we will expand our business in 2015 in Marrakech , and for the following years we ll keep going local and well start going global by opening branches in other countries starting by Tunisia and others . PROMOTION: The main ways of Promotion for (IDA) are internet(social network), media, magazinesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ Advertising cost: The cost of advertising for (IDA) is: 2.029.500 dhs: 60% of the advertising costs is for TV and bill boards : 1,217,700 Dhs   20% For newspapers and magazines: 40,590,000 Dhs 20% For radio stations: 40,590;000 Dhs. A Comparison between (IDA) and its competitor casa dance that spent 3.313,200 dhs for advertising: advertising types of (IDA) advertising type of casa dance -media TV internet -bill boards posters -magazine Newspapers magazines Improvement of sales and profit margin for IDAs services: An efficient management skills toward salespeople will participate in the improvement of sales, so in order to make our salespeople having a valuable contribution in our dance academy we will work on providing incentives to them such as, cash bonuses, travel experiences or merchandise rewards. so as to attract a large number of customers and maintaining the existing ones. More than that, we will provide them with the right tools such as cell phones, cars, to ensure a proper work. OUR TEAM SKILLS IN IDA CHAIRMAN Ikrame Jabre is the chairman of IDA; she is a student at university of Sunderland in morocco, majoring in business management as she had dance experience, she wants to combine her studies which concerns management skills with her passion, dancing. MARKETING MANAGER Souiri Fatima Zahra as an associate in IDA Company; she is a student at university of Sunderland in business management branch as she has marketing skills such as communication skills and working in enthusiastic atmosphere to get more relationship in courteous and friendly manner. SILENT PARTNER Youssef Mellouki as a silent partner in IDA company, he is a student at Sunderland university in business management branch. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGER Manal khoumani is a bedfellow in IDA, she is a student at university of Sunderland in business management branch as he has human resources skills such as dealing and negotiating with people in order to get more information. FINANCE MANAGER Sophia Amzay is one of the IDA partners, she is a student at university of Sunderland majoring in business management branch as he has financing and accounting skills, she likes dealing with number since she was child. HUMAN RESOURCES ASSISTANT MANAGER: supports the responsibilities in some areas such as recruitment and employment, training and development, and so on. FINANCE ASSISTANT: is dependable on collecting information through overseeing financial regulation and legislation and manages also on supervising income statement, profit and loss, cash flow coming in and coming out of organization of IDA. Dance teachers: highly qualified with a good performances and capabilities to deliver dance lessons in the appropriate manner in order to have good strategies. Maids : 2 women, working for the cleanliness of IDA. Security : strong and energetic man that has experiences in this domain. Sales people: we start up only by 2 people on the first year, that have the ability of communication and marketing skills in order to attract customers for the dance . IDAs OPERATIONS FINANCIAL FORECASTS Numbers Staffs Employees Salaries per person in Dirhams 1 HR manager 10.000 1 HR assisstant manager 3.000 1 Marketing manager 10.000 1 Marketing assisstant manager 3.000 1 Finance manager 10.000 1 Finance Assisstant 3.000 2 Salespeople 5.000 9 Teachers 10.000 2 Maids 2.000 1 Doorkeeper 2.000 1 Secretary 3.000 TOTAL  : 21 148000 Names of partners Partnership in (%) Total per DHS Ikrame jabre 51% 21942954 Sophia amzay 29% 12477366 Fatimazahra souiri 10% 4302540 Manal el koumani 5% 2151270 Youssef el mellouki 5% 2151270 Explanation of the personal funding for all partners: Names of partners Internal funding% I.F in DHS Total  / person in DHS CAPITAL Ikrame jabre 30% 6582886,2 21942954 43025400 Sophia amzay 30% 3743209,8 12477366 43025400 Fatimazahra souiri 30% 1290762 4302540 43025400 Manal el koumani 30% 645381 2151270 43025400 Youssef el mellouki 30% 645381 2151270 43025400 Names of partners External fund(from bank)% E.F/ person in DHS Total in DHS CAPITAL Ikrame jabre 70% 15360067,8 21942954 43025400 Sophia amzay 70% 8734156,2 12477366 43025400 Fatimazahra souiri 70% 3011778 4302540 43025400 Manal el koumani 70% 1505889 2151270 43025400 Youssef el mellouki 70% 1505889 2151270 43025400 Names of partners Amount in DHS Fixed Interest rate(%) years number of months Monthly payment(DHS) Ikrame jabre 15360067,8 6% 10 120 7680,0339 Sophia amzay 8734156,2 6% 7 84 6238,683 Fatimazahra souiri 3011778 6% 5 60 3011,778 Manal el koumani 1505889 6% 3 36 2509,815 Youssef el mellouki 1505889 6% 4 48 1882,36125 The loans will be paid by the proper money of the partners depending on their funding amounts, IDA doesnt have any relationship to the borrowed money. Ikrame jabre needs 10 Years to pay her loan to the bank because its a huge amount of money borrowed, as she is a chairman, she gets a higher salary than others which is 20.000 DHS per month and can pay her loan comfortably with an amount of 7680,0339 DHS  /month. Sophia amzay needs to spend 4087,413 DHS / month out of 10.000 Dhs of her salary for the external funding interests in a period of 7 years. Fatimazahra souiri needs 5 years to pay her loan, with a monthly payment of 3011,778 DHS For Manal el koumani will pay her loan in a period of 3 years. Youssef el mellouki is a silent partner, so he will take only dividends thats why he needs 4 years to pay his loan, even there is an equal percentage of partnership between him and Manal el koumani. INTERNATIONAL DANCE ACADEMY CASH FLOW PROJECTIONS FOR THE FIRST YEAR 2011 IN (DHS): We will take 80% from the profit as dividends and for the rest which is 20% of the profit we keep it as retained earnings. M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 Cash received: 3.504.450 4450 5600 7000 7000 8750 8750 8750 5950 8750 8750 Cash sales: 3.504.450 4450 5600 7000 7000 8750 8750 8750 5950 8750 8750 Additional cash: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Tax, VTA received: ________________________________________________________________ NC borrowing: : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New other abilities: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other current asset: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 New investment: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Subtotal cash Received: 3.504.450 4450 5600 7000 7000 8750 8750 8750 5950 8750 8750 Expenditure M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 M6 M7 M8 M9 M10 M11 Expenditure from Operations: Cash spending: 195.080 175.080 175080 175080 175080 175080 175080 175080 175080 175080 175080 Additional cash Spent: 0 0 0 0 0